A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Oracle Card Manifestation

This is a card of suppressed emotions that need to come to the surface and be expressed honestly and openly in order to achieve renewed zest, and assured success.

When we suppress emotions we sometimes react to situations negatively, with jealousy, anger or resentment. All this kind of emotion has its foundation in insecurity and a lack of self belief. It is necessary to learn to highlight our true talents and abilities and then openly express them.

When we learn to like ourselves and believe in ourselves we build up our confidence. Also once we like and appreciate ourselves, others will admire us too. So face up to any faults you find, acknowledge and accept them. Then, most importantly, be determined to change them for the better. Do not be too harsh on yourself. If you lapse simply be determined to do better next time - and then keep doing better until it becomes a natural part of your personality.

The other lesson of this card is not to be falsely modest about your positive attributes - expand on them and open them up to the world. Recognise and release false behaviour based on ego.

You have many talents which you keep hidden. Start to express them more openly and encourage others around you to do likewise.
A child or pet may act in an extreme way in order to attract attention. Give more love and affection to make them feel secure.
Jealousy and resentment may pose a problem. The best solution is not to react. Keep calm. You will be surprised at how simply matters resolve themselves if you do.
Beware of covering insecurities with compulsive spending or rash extravagances. Base actions and decisions on rationality and common sense and you are assured lasting success.
Ask for help. Learn to delegate. You will achieve your aims in half the time and find new elements to your own personality in the process. You will also leave time and energy for new inspirations and ideas to be explored.
Poor circulation or high blood pressure could be a problem here. Deep breathing exercises, ten minute a day walking, or yoga will help you both physically and mentally to relax and find your 'flow' again.
Just because you find it hard to get on with one person in a group, do not give up on everyone else. Rise above and enjoy your gatherings or outings for what they are. Good opportunities are linked to this area of your life, but you need to persevere - keep going - in order to realise them.

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