A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Random Choice Orange

Qualities of the Colour Orange

Orange. The colour of self mastery, choice, playfulness, sensuality and so many things that bring positive self enhancement to you.

As this colour offers such a range of healing qualities, the best way to use it is to simply trust that the fact it has come up for you today is for a reason, use some of the methods listed below to actively bring the colour to you and absorb it into you, and then simply raise your awareness in order that you can observe the positive changes that occur within yourself.

You may find any one, or a combination of the following positive effects brought by this colour; enhanced energy but in a peaceful and flowing way, stronger sense of discernment and an ability to be more forthright in your manner, clarity with personal choices, relaxedness and ease allowing your senses to become heightened in all ways, humour and playfulness that brings a glint to your eye and a sense of gentle mischief and teasing, or simply a feeling that your heart is filled with joy which is similar to the feeling of being in love yet in this instance it is in fact 'being love'.

Orange is a childlike colour, and in the same way children can be so direct in their innocent honesty as well as filled with fully present delight at life, so can you heal your inner child when you invite this colour close and trust it.

Wishing you so much happiness if you have chosen to work with this colour.


Jane x

Suggested ways to use this colour for your benefit and healing

  • Wear the colour regularly

  • Imagine the colour surrounding you and being absorbed by your skin in ideal amounts

  • Imagine breathing the colour in and know you will receive only as much as you need

  • Daydream or visualise about wearing this colour, or swimming in a lake of this colour...the imagination is endless...play

  • Through eating foods of this colour

  • Take a colour healing remedy

  • Simply notice the colour around you throughout the day

About Colour Healing

Every colour of the spectrum has its own unique vibration. This is what keeps it apart from every other colour within your vision.

When you start focusing on a specific colour you will find that it feeds you energy. How that energy affects you will depend not only on the qualities that the colour has to offer, but also on how you respond to those qualities.

Every person on earth is unique, so every person's response will be equally unique. Therefore, it is up to you to explore how each colour affects you, what you need more of - or less. Colour does not harm you, the intention of everything natural and of the earth is to heal and support, so it is ok to play and try out different colours until you discover what is best for you at any given time.

The subject of colour healing is vast and only a small amount can be written here. Briefly, though, if you are using the random choice system you can trust that the colour which comes up has actually 'chosen you' today and is thereby exactly what you most need at this time.

Wishing you fun in your discovery of the wonder of colour, so freely available and all around you every day.

Jane x

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