A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Angel Inspiration on Providence

Ask and ye shall receive. Yet so many of you become frustrated when you seem to wish and pray and ask, say constant affirmations, and nothing seems to appear.

Each of you has a Soul. Each has free-will. Often 'free will' will ignore instincts and inner truth whether by conscious intent or through confusion and self-doubt. If this happens then your 'will'/intent becomes split from its power source (the Soul). Without the true motivating power of Soul truth, then heavenly manifestations rarely occur, or if they do then they appear in a temporary or unsatisfying way.

So yes, keep asking, and yes, your prayers will be answered. But please, first, take the time to search your own Soul, listen to your depth, become one with your power and intention. Taking this time will not only weed out false desires, it will help us (Angels and life) to have the connection to energy and truth, which we need to put the manifestations of your truest desires into action. Less haste, more speed and more lasting, real, whole and happy results.

Also take time to face and overcome fear. Fear, when left unchecked, can become a powerful energy source and is the foundation for all false or difficult manifestations in your life. These are not angelic or life creations but the lesser creations of a lower 'will'. Pray for Healing and upliftment and for the clarity and courage to overcome these lesser elements of self, and decide to create only from the light and love of your Soul.


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