A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Rose Quartz Crystal


Rose Quartz is such a gentle stone, filled with angelic qualities of unconditional love and understanding. It will melt even the hardest of hearts, relax even the most stressed of bodies and open the narrowest of mind. Yet this is a non-intrusive stone and these healing moments will only occur when a person is ready to choose the sort of changes that will transform them and their quality of life for the better.

Until such time, this beautiful Crystal will exude gentleness, warmth and total acceptance of an individual, helping them to begin to love and trust themselves, enabling them to understand that they are worthy of health and happiness. This stone will teach a person safety - how to feel like they have found sanctuary within their own skin - and it will nurture them constantly toward the point where they can start to accept love, transformation, goodness and success into their lives.

On a physical level this stone especially supports issues that are to do with heart, lung and liver. Reproductive issues are also healed, nerves soothed, lymphatics boosted and tension eased.

May Angels guide every Crystal that finds its way to you. Amen.

You can receive the healing by simply reading the words on the page and using the truth held within them to help you and guide you forward in your life. As you focus on the picture, know too that you are absorbing all the healing you need at this time - right now. Angels do connect to you and guide you. Life does want what is best for you and this is simply one way of reaching out a helping hand of truth and love on a conscious and visible level.

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