A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Inspiration from Archangel Uriel

Fire burns inside you. It is the source of your energy, the motivation behind your actions. This is the place where true action comes from - not from mental force or determined decision.

Sometimes we try and force our lives or the lives of others, or we allow our lives and personalities to be moulded upon the will of another. We can find some satisfaction in this too, but only limited satisfaction and there will always come a time when something inside us burns to break free and to live our own truth in the greatest way possible.

When we dare to walk our own path, follow our own inner fire, express our true personality and live our own lives to the fullest degree we are capable of, we automatically draw to us the people and opportunities and places that are meant, 'destined' to be part of our lives. Then we find that decisions we make that are best for ourselves are automatically best for those around us, and we learn to trust and spread our wings.

Do you have the courage to break free? To stand tall and declare yourself ready to live your life and your Destiny to the full? Do you have the courage to allow your life to change and to match your truest dreams and to simply go with the new that comes along and readily release the old that passes away?

This is a time in your life where you can step beyond the boundaries of culture and expectation and begin to walk in freedom and truth. Once you have trod this way for a while you will find you simply cannot ever turn back and live another way - it would feel like stepping into a prison, or a straight jacket.

If you do dare to step free, then know dear child of God that you are never, ever alone. We are here to guide and support you. Life is with you every step of the way to teach you and provide the opportunities and people that take you into your Destiny and help you to become all that you were truly created to be. This is what life was created for, not to suffer and remain lost, but to be free and become all that you have the potential to be and more.

May your courage flourish and may life hold you tight to your course.

In Gods Love and Light.


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