A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

WS2A Wishing Stone

Smiles and delight. This Wishing Stone has a sense of humour and lightness. It lifts heaviness and dispels depression and despair like clouds lift after a storm. Any situation that needs clarity and relief will be helped and healed with this wonderful, uplifting, magical stone. Carefree appreciation of life and all the wonders of living are part of this stone's gift to you.

It is said that stones which have holes in them, reaching through from one side to the other, hold special magic, and when held in prayer can bring luck and manifestation into the life of their owners. Hence the name Wishing Stone. Each of the Wishing Stones on the random choice pages has been lovingly and prayerfully collected from various beaches around the world.

Simply read the words on the page and use the truth held within them to help you and guide you forward in your life. As you focus on the picture, know too that you are absorbing all the healing you need at this time - right now. Angels do connect to you and guide you. Life does want what is best for you and this is simply one way of reaching out a helping hand of truth and love on a conscious and visible level.

Wishing you Love and Light and Happiness on your Way. Jane x

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