A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Oracle Card Communication

This is a card of fruitfulness - the replenishment or provision of things which may have been lacking in your life for a while.

If you have a choice to make you must go the middle way. In other words, try to compromise rather than go to one or the other extreme. You need to be able to discuss your ideas and problems openly with others, otherwise you come to a stand-still and thing around you stagnate. Persevere calmly to avoid getting stuck and blocking the flow of good things coming to you.

The main message today is that too much leisure can make us idle whereas energy, work and applied effort lead to attainment. The secret to success is always to keep things moving, thus you set in motion events in your life. We are sometimes tempted to take things to extremes and if we do this we find vitality and action can degenerate into restlessness and instability. Remain constantly aware, and focus on keeping calm at all times.

You are advised to remain steadfast and not to give up (or try to rush anything). This advice can also be applied to other areas of our life, such as food or drink, which, if allowed to get out of hand, could be taken to excess. Everything in moderation (although a small excess once in a while will not harm).

So, when you look at this card, remember the following words. Patience, calmness, communication, freedom from selfish motives, and assured success through moderation.

A calm and assured appearance will be well respected. Do not let others manipulate your emotions or upset you.
Greet intolerance and frustration from family members with calmness and humour. Sit back and watch the effect your calmness creates (study it). You may be amazed.
Your ideal partner seems to be someone calm and tranquil. A strong person who is trustworthy and determined to succeed. If your present partner does not show this calmness and solidness of spirit, it may be that you need a change, or that you need to trust yourself to teach them a truer way to express their emotions and instincts than they presently do.
This is the time to take stock of all your assets or debts. A balance needs to be reached. If necessary get some further advice from someone who is an expert in such matters. Action IS necessary now.
You may have to sit on the fence in this instance. Let others around you fight it out between them. Remain neutral.
Music can have both a calming and energising effect on your energy, as can various colours. Try to combine the two to suit your moods.
You may be faced with complaints and dissatisfaction from people around you. Remain content in the knowledge that you are doing your best and that your intentions are good. With patience you will find they come round to your point of view and that you can begin to communicate positively once more.

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