A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Angel Inspiration on Relationship

Yearning For partnership? For someone to share with? For excitement and change? Or perhaps your present relationship has become stale or you sense it is time to move on?

A prayer, with all your heart, lifted up to the heavens, will help me to draw close to you now and help you to see your situation with true perspective.

The first step towards true and lasting friendship and love is with yourself. To find your standards and desires, and the truth of what represents fulfilment and happiness to you in a relationship, you will need to look closely at your expectations and needs as well as honestly at what it is you have to offer another person.

All relationships are two way things, matters of honesty, trust, growth, inspiration and love. Can you offer these things openly and with all your heart? Can you allow these things for yourself and know you deserve nothing less. Are you willing to set standards and stand by them without becoming judgmental or arrogant? Balance and communication are so important when it comes to making a success of relationships.

Often we, Angels of Relationship, guide ideal people into your lives and you run away in fear or you sabotage your chances through old habits and expectations. Sometimes you judge a person who crosses your path and don't even take the time to look and listen - to discover happiness placed right before you. This is sad, especially when you yearn so much for the joy companionship can bring.

From our perspective of light we can see into the hearts and minds of human Souls, into their true longings and desires. We can see what would truly make them happy - and often this truth is vastly different to what they think they desire. With all of our hearts and in every moment, we send inspirations and guidance to help people realise their own truth and open their arms to happiness.

If you accept less than you are worth, then life will match what you believe you deserve. You will set up a road of compromise and dissatisfaction. When you accept less than you are worth, then you accept less joy and love and happiness than would ever fulfil you.

Be willing and ready to always give of your best and be open to the best from others, knowing you deserve it. Then hold your head high, pray to God and the Universe and remain open to all that crosses your path. Take time to look and communicate and discover the beauty in others. You may well amaze yourself at the discoveries you make.


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