dolphins, starfish, shells, fountains, an oak tree, sparkling medicine bottle, flowers, books, and candles for soul healing

Soul Readings

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When life has become shallow, monotonous and a matter of mere routine... when you lack motivation or purpose... when nothing ignites you anymore and you have no direction. Whether listless or merely going through the motions - existing rather than living, it is time to reach deep inside yourself and switch on all the original circuits. Your life is within you... let's go explore what is there.

All Sessions Recorded. You will want to listen to your session again and again. The words are channelled and are both energetically healing and motivating. You will receive your recording as a link within an email. You can start listening immediately. You can also download the mp3 file to a computer.

Absent-recorded is where I simply tune-in, record and send your session (this is just as effective). Skype or Zoom will be live 1:1 and, on ordering, you will be given access to my international calendar.

Your soul is your unique divine presence in this world. High and pure levels of clairvoyance are used in order to undertake this session. Your Soul is the deepest and truest part of you and holds all your answers regarding this lifetime and all the lives you have ever lived! It is the whole composite of energy experience you have ever had since the beginning of your existence. It also holds the excitement of your limitless potential.

Due to the nature of living in a physical and material world, layers of congestion can collect deep within you, creating a barrier between your soul potential and the life you are living. These barriers and blockages (based on fear, conditioning, hereditary tendencies etc.) can even come from other lifetimes. This session aims to help you regain a clear, renewed soul connection. This is why 'high clairvoyance' is needed. Every moment of this session is divinely guided by your soul, and supported by your own team of guides and angels. They will facilitate the healing and help you fully understand your true divine self, and your soul urges.

Listening to the truth of your soul helps us to understand the personality programme you chose for this Lifetime and why have you been given it? It will be exactly what you need in order to fulfil your chosen purpose and destiny. We also look at your true soul vision for life which helps you to manifest it much more swiftly and easily.

Getting to know you... How can you surrender to your truest sense of self and live it with total fulfilment and enjoyment? What is unique about you? What are the deepest urges of your Soul trying to tell you about the life you are meant to live and about what truly makes you happy? These issues and so much more are covered enabling clear, relevant 'right now' information about your true Soul direction and choices. The results are personally transformative can be positively life-changing.

a rainbow coloured eye looking out of the clouds suggesting mystery, clairvoyance, intuitive sight, healing and guidance

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