A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Inspiration from the Angel of Personality

Did you know that you have been given a program of personality that is unique and different to every other human being alive? And, did you know that the true personality given to you is exactly what you need to support you in living the life you were born to live, in achieving the success that is your birthright, and to bring you fulfilment in relationships that are ideal for you?

Most times though, as I look down from my heavenly perspective, I notice that people do not even recognise their own personality or truth - they don't truly know who they are or what they want, they just float through life, allowing themselves to be buffered from pillar to post. This is a sad state of affairs.

Earth was designed as a school of growth and also as a place of joy, delight and colour. Every potential emotion and experience is available on earth and you have the right and the ability to choose from them all - if you but realised it.

Burdens can be transformed into joys through a simple change of attitude and determination. You have that power within you.

Your personality is an incredible tool of expression, something that is to be lived to the full, explored, understood, fine-tuned, transformed, uplifted. It is the part of you that gives you zest, which connects you fully to the energy of life and the part of you that makes living truly worthwhile.

As an Angel of Personality I have seen the magic and full-blown colour of so many Souls who dared to live all that they were created to be.

Seeing this makes me feel 'full colour alive' too. It also gives me a fire inside to work tirelessly to inspire those who are closed to themselves, to help them open up once more to really taste the life that is theirs - to really share of the light that is theirs to shine.

So, if you have found me today, I will fight with you and for you. I will believe in you and be here at every step of the way to reach encouragement and inspiration through the walls of separation and fear. I ask you to be willing to live with all your heart and to trust in your own choice of your God-given personality. I ask you to be willing to explore this gift of God and let it lift you and play you and express your tune of the Soul.

I ask a lot, but believe me; it is so worth the road you will travel to achieve it.



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