A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Inspiration from the Angel of Nature

Are you ready to go out into the world and discover the magic that lies before you each and every day?

If so, then I will guide you, help you to open up and notice the little wonders of life, show you the way to open up to new energy and inspiration and most of all to the Healing and love that pour freely at all times from this wonderful planet of yours.

A world of green and beauty and creative energy. Take time to slow down and look around you. Really look. Stop and look.

Then as you begin to see the little things - the details - the smallest of flowers, the colour, the contrast, I would ask you to do one more thing. Open up your ears and listen. To the sounds of birds, of the wind, the waves, the traffic, the airplane overhead, the child's voice.

As you open your senses life can reach out to you and touch you. It can recharge your batteries, offer you new insight and inspiration, feelings of being alive once more, of courage, clarity and peace - whatever it is that you need at this time, it will be offered to you.

When you are tense and closed though, life cannot get in, cannot renew you. This is why so many illnesses of today are caused by and made worse by, stress. It seems such a little thing, but to shut off from the Healing life force of your planet is to shut down to life. Your energy circuits become drained, you become tired and irritable and the last thing you want to do is to stop and take time to look at a little flower or hear a small child's voice. Yet the things that you find hardest to do, when frustration and tension hit you, are the very things you must do if you are to transform and become well again.

Please reach out and take time today to let this earth feed you and begin to make you whole. It may just be the beginning of a wonderful journey of discovery, of health, of vitality and life connection the like of which you have never known.

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