A treasure chest, flowers, key, arrow, a dolphin, books, coffee, candles and a figure of rainbow colours sitting under a tree

Random Choice Readings Channelled by Jane

Cat Oracle Card: Friendly

As I listen to this card and ask what message it wants to give you today I am reminded of holidays, of celebrations and of togetherness...where cares lift away and where the focus is on time being spent without pressures or doubts.

A time of cleansing and replenishment; of honest, open sharing. Friendly wants to tease and lighten the atmosphere for you this week, to help you laugh and think of uncomplicated, fun things to do. This card asks you to remember things you used to love to do or things you have always wanted to try. Maybe look into groups you can join or find new things to learn - anything where you can let your hair down and drop the serious, the heavy or the obligation and share with like-minded people. An art class, a spiritual group, dancing, playing chess... anything that takes you into simple fun where you can meet friends old and new.

A week to look at expanding your social circle and to open a window to some fresh new horizons.

Your affirmation this week is: ‘I open the door to new energy, new fun and to lasting fulfilment in my life’

With love and happy wishes from Jane (and from Friendly)

The image is from the Cat Inspirational Oracle, Created by Barbara Moore, Marco Turini

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